Thursday, September 10, 2015

It's a fair deal! Take it.

Fair advice from our mutual friend Mickey.

The fair deal: An elusive sort of business transaction that at times leaves traders scratching their heads and at others counting lucky stars. It's a bargain, a negotiation, a moment between humans when each will do right by the other through the avoidance of greediness and the gumption to commit to it.

Ever scored a great deal on toilet paper or gasoline? A good deal? A fair deal?

Good deals need no paid advertising. Ever see an apple commercial? Mmmm?

Bad deals would of course have to have some help from marketing, wouldn't they? For instance - the two most notable things about shitty beer are 1.) how it makes me drunk, and 2.) the taste the commercials! Any real man of genius can tell you that if shitty beer was even remotely good for you us, the conglomerate that owns the official beer sponsor of the American football cartel wouldn't continue to pay millions on "the big game day" (speak not the consecrated name!) to 'remind' us how much fun it is to drink shitty beer, and how the women in that reality are all basically the same. THIS YEAR IN STUNNING 4K!

A fair deal, once a day. I know a guy who gives his customers a fair deal. He charges them what he thinks he's worth, even when they're willing and ready to pay more. He won't accept mediocre work. He inspires me to do the same for my people. They say you get what you give. So I give a fair deal. I feel like driving a hard bargain is akin to parking a big spaceliner. A valuable skill. What I like about a fair deal is that anybody can do it. Givin' or gettin'. 

Roosevelt did the New Deal (right?), I'm starting the #FairDeal. Give one today! Then tell the world about it. likesharesubscribe with buttons tagstuff use a url for your father's sake

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