Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Workin Man

Oh, hi. I didn't see you there. Come in, come in.

So I've officially been working one week and one day. I also got paid today. That, my friends, is awesome. Don't expect that kind of treatment working for the state. Private corporation, homeboy. Dig it. No wonder the private sector is so ridiculous here. State governments and publicly traded big ones need to learn how to treat their employees, shit!

But seriously. I'm an IT guy. I fix issues. It's great. I seriously am digging the best of both worlds right now. One one hand, I am troubleshooting typical corporate issues every insurance company computer geek would deal with. "Hey, I lost my printers," or "hey, my email signature doesn't have that little circle-y thingy in it anymore," etc. I also get the tougher project-based stuff from on high like "Our automated email's unsubscribe link is getting blocked by Outlook in some Windows 7 machines, figure out why..." That's awesome. Real challenges along with facetime with clients is a great blend. Oh right, and that's just 'the one hand.'

On the OTHER hand, I have 5 radio stations, their jocks, their salespeople, their managers and executives to take care of. We have a pretty basic production studio (where you record commercials for local businesses) just riddled with simple audio issues that are fun to fix and get me valuable time with the radio peeps. I secretly want to get myself on the air at the Friday night midnight spot. I'm 100% positive that all the stations are automated at that point, ESPECIALLY on the weekends. Wow do radio people know how to take a long lunch and cut out early. My favorite quirk is the 3rd floor bullpen of advertising sales "executives" that upon our entrance into their cube farm will yell "I.T. on deck! Minimize! Minimize!" It's hilarious. But they're seriously just looking at porn all day. Whatever. They get paid on commission anyway.

It's a glamorous life, I know, stop being jealous for two seconds please.

Today though - yowsers. My director interviewed a dude for the open System Administrator (guy that runs the servers) position. Probably makes around 45K a year. Seriously, the dude showed up in a polo shirt and 'khaki' cargo pants with a belt and a Bieber haircut. Alright, so the haircut isn't a big deal but still. WTF. MAYBE, and this is a hy-po-thetical (Bob from Office Space voice) but if he had worn the Mac polo shirt with a tie, just maybe it would have been permissible.

Gahh.. I was hoping this post would have turned out better. But anyway.

I got paid, I love my job, be jealous.


1 comment:

  1. I really did post on your blog yesterday....but I must have hit the wrong button cause it doesn't show. I love reading what is going on in your mind. You have a wonderful writing style. It is uniquely "you". You make my heart smile.
