Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Yeah, if you didn't know it by now, I appreciate you reading this blog (actually, I appreciate everyone who reads this blog) because that means I might actually be interesting enough to get real readers. Despite my blog's emo title, I try to be introspective enough to actually write something meaningful, but at the same time, I don't try to get your attention by screaming about my dad. Or skateboards. Or, well you get the point.

So yeah! I have a job. I'm - wait for it... - an I.T. guy! I work for the Guaranty Corporation (not nearly as corporately ominous as it sounds) which provides life insurance products as well as runs more than a few broadcast radio stations in lovely Baton Rouge, Louisiana. That's right - I'm a born-again societal contributor. Yeck. That sounds yuppier than ... well anyway. Don't worry though! I'm still busily raging against the awful political nonsense that governs all of our everyday transactions, from the bank to McDonald's. Yep. Even though I'm back to paying taxes, I haven't just flicked on the Republican switch.

Kaycie actually bought us Ann Coulter's "How to Talk to a Liberal (If you Must)," and let me tell you - it's a doozy. (Dusey?) Anyway, it's ridiculous.

The book's first chapter alone helped me realize what Ann Coulter's role in society is. It's not to actually know anything (although I'm sure she does) or argue valid points (which she doesn't do in her book, while I'm sure she could quite adroitly debate many issues with valid points). Her role is not to engage liberals in real arguments, it is to publish books that infuriate us to such an extent that WE write books to counter her ridiculous arguments - MEANWHILE - republicans run the country because we're too offended by her crass pulp to do anything but defend our honor. It's brilliant.

SO - "How do we respond as sentient beings," you ask? Well, I've taken the liberty of publishing my own book. Read on:

"How to talk to Ann Coulter (If you Must)"

Chapter 1:


The end.

Stick it in your eye, Ann Coulter. I have bigger fish to fry.

That's all for now. I'll tell you people later what my new job's like, once I've been there a full week (tomorrow).



  1. The correct spelling is "dusey." Also, I adore you.

  2. I know it's an old post, but I love the "How to Talk to Ann Coulter" bit, it made me laugh , cheers!
