Thursday, August 19, 2010

First One

Well, here we are. Since when did choosing a font become so difficult? I'm really an Elephant guy myself, but they don't have it, so I'm settling for Georgia. I understand it's my job to keep blog posts somewhat short or concise, but I'm not very good at that. This will be my journal, available to all netizens for their reading pleasure. It's also for my wife, who has insisted upon its creation (on more than one occasion) so that we can vent our current frustrations with the ubiquitous yet undefinable *system* that governs our daily lives. Note to self - find thrift store (read: Goodwill) paperback dictionary and thesaurus for blogwriting purposes.

She is a new teacher in the Louisiana public school system. I am unemployed. (!)

I started writing a book in Word, then decided I should do things this way first. I can get (free) comments from readers (at least I think I can, I need to find out how to flick that switch to the 'on' position) and revise my stuff that will eventually become the NY Times Bestseller. I swear everyone is a Bestselling author these days (Joe Kurmaskie comes to mind, he'll tell you so, too. Yech).

Gotta pause to feed the guinea pig, he's whistling at me. I've been lax in my duties to sustain him. Also the feistier of the two kittens is pestering him. (One minute goes by.) So, he had already been fed by my loving wife, and the feistier (Thelma) kitty was curled up innocuously behind me on a cushioned chair. Turns out guineaman is just rambunctious today.

Anyway, the purpose of this particular entry is to catch you up on the goings-on of my (recently) married life, starting with the move to Baton Rouge from Portland, OR in a 1994 Buick Century Wagon, up till now (about 4 weeks).

Steve and I drove 12ish hours the first day, stopped in Salt Lake City for the night, then approximately 3 hours the next day, until the ole Buick's transmission utterly failed us in Helper, UT. We limped it to Price, UT, where we would spend the next 48ish hours twiddling thumbs, playing Boxhead (Google it, I dare you...), and playing drinking games to Mike Rowe's Dirty Jobs and Ben Bailey's Cash Cab. The Wagon was returned to us midday, and we drove straight through for 30 hours. Arrived Thursday night, and we took Steve to the airport to fly home to his loving wife and beautiful daughter on Sunday.

I've decided (just now) that I'll end this first blog, and will detail the goings-on of married life in subsequent entries that will be more focused, thus the reader will not be bogged down with particular subjects that may not be of interest (Unemployment, involvement with Teach for America, zombie outbreak awareness, etc).

So for now, thank you very much for reading. I look forward to your continued engagement in my quirky and unpolished approach to writing.

Au revoir.


  1. Look! Your very first! (I tried this once already but my Blackberry wasn't havin it.)

    I'm so excited you decided to do this! When I get on a big computer I will "follow" you. I love your smart quirky and insightful writing and I look forward tp keeping up with your guys' life in BRLA via this instead of the limiting 160 character tweets - as fun as those are, the calling the po po and cute kitty stories will be much better on here.

    Love and miss you lots!

    (This is Mallory by the way. It won't let me log into my google account to prove it.)

  2. This just got added to my tabs. That means I'll be checking it every day and I expect to be able to read something riveting...

  3. Sweet! There's a new one up. I'll be sure to include more Kaycie stuff as time goes on, once the crying stops. :)
